About Elemental SoundWorks

"Music begins where the possibilities of language end." - Jean Sibelius

Meet the artist

Hi there! My name is Emily, better known as Elemental SoundWorks. First, I wanted to thank you for listening to my music and visiting my website - your support truly means everything! If you'd like to know more about my musical journey, read on.
My favorite part of movies was always the background music. I loved James Horner's score for Titanic. "Take Her To Sea, Mr. Murdoch" and "Hymn to the Sea" were some of my favorite songs at the time. The music from Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings...Pirates of the Caribbean. Thomas Newman's A Series of Unfortunate Events score and Harry Gregson William's The Chronicles of Narnia...the list goes on.

The music simply added a whole other level to the film - the mood, the story-telling, every aspect was enhanced. I loved it, and I listened to it all on repeat.
"Dreams shift, and you realize what truly makes you happy."
In 2020, when my job was moved online, I began exploring hobbies; one of which was composition. That was when I started my YouTube channel, Elemental SoundWorks. I came up with the logo, the name, and the theme: trailer music. 

At the time, I didn't have the resources or knowledge to create great-sounding music. I also didn't really know what I was doing - technologically speaking anyway. I didn't know that genre and niche mattered when relaying ideas to a specific audience. But I knew one thing: I loved doing it. 
One and a half years passed, and I found myself in a 9 to 5 job that I despised. It didn't last long before I quit...I honestly felt like I had failed in that moment. I had no idea where my life was going - I had no direction, no trajectory.

And as awful as that time in my life felt, it also propelled me to where I am now with this channel, doing something that I absolutely love every day.

I came back to my music channel with a vengeance: to do something that I enjoyed on my own terms. I bought better equipment, started learning how to use a digital audio workstation, and the rest is history, as they say. 
At the end of the day, my main goal has always been to create music that makes listeners feel something that sparks creativity within them. Because the music that spoke to me the most was always instrumental - music that makes you feel something you can't describe. Something that moves you, and yet you can't explain why.

And to this day, even as a singer, I feel that it is wordless music that can convey the deepest of feelings. 

From the beginning

Throughout my entire life, music has always been my biggest passion - as you might guess.

Though piano is the focal point of 99% of my music, my main instrument for most of my life has been my voice. In fact, I began to sing before I could talk, and I was even nicknamed "the opera girl" starting in middle school. 
Eventually, I went off to college and received a Bachelor's degree in vocal performance. My last year of college, I realized a bit too late that I didn't want to be an opera star after all. 

I love to perform, but the lifestyle was something I could never see myself being happy with. That being said, I certainly do not have any regrets and wouldn't have changed anything looking back on all the invaluable experiences I had. 

In the end, life is about discovering who you are. Dreams shift, and you realize what truly makes you happy. A creative outlet was a must...I just wasn't sure yet what that was for me.
Composition wasn't exactly new to me. I had written a song here and there as I was growing up. The difference was I had a lot more knowledge about music and how things fit together. And I was bursting with creativity, wanting to create anything and everything.

Did I have a mild aspiration to be discovered and to grow a following? Sure. But at the time, I didn't know that I could achieve that. I simply wanted to spend my time doing something that was fun and fulfilling.
At the time, I was doing it for myself with some hope that it might amount to something more. 

There were many times when I thought "I should probably find a career elsewhere and just give this up" - and I actually almost did. Then come June 2022, and things were starting to really pick up, after months of dedication and focus to my craft. 

Suddenly, things became real in that moment: this really was something I could do. It is crazy to think that in January 2022 I was on the cusp of something I could never even fathom...that I could actually have fans that valued my music and enjoyed watching my videos.
"...music that makes you feel something you can't describe. Something that moves you, and yet you can't explain why."
And so to end, if you are a composer or in any creative field, my advice would be to never give up on your dreams. Because you never know where this road might take you. I certainly didn't! 

And if you are a listener, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me and believing in me. Without you, I wouldn't be here doing what I love.

And so the story continues on...I am excited to see what else the future has in store for us!